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Fully Funded CCP Fellowship Program Germany | 2024

Fully Funded Volunteer Program Germany 2024

Are you a dedicated professional or volunteer looking for a life-changing opportunity to broaden your horizons, expand your network, and gain invaluable intercultural skills? If so, the CCP Fellowship Program Germany is the perfect chance for you. The CCP Fellowship, funded by ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen), welcomes participants from all corners of the globe to embark on a two to three-month journey, working with host organizations in Germany or CCP partner countries.

Program Overview

  • Nonprofit Organization: ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen)
  • Area: Central and Eastern Europe
  • Host Country: Germany
  • Deadline: 22 Dec 2023
  • Study Level: Vocational Education
  • Opportunity Funding: Full Funding
  • Eligible Countries: Open to applicants from all countries
  • Eligible Region: All Regions
About the CCP Fellowship Program  Germany

The Cross Culture Programme (CCP) funds professionals and dedicated volunteers from up to 40 countries each year. This initiative provides a unique opportunity to spend two to three months working in host organizations in Germany or CCP partner countries. During their stay, participants not only deepen their expertise but also establish valuable contacts and acquire crucial intercultural skills. At the same time, host organizations benefit from the knowledge and networks brought by the CCP Fellows.

The CCP Fellowship goes beyond work-related experiences. Participants can also attend transcultural workshops, networking events, and professional gatherings organized by the CCP. Upon returning to their home organizations, participants bring back their enriched experiences and contribute to their communities.

What Are the Requirements?

To be eligible for this extraordinary opportunity, applicants should meet the following criteria:

  1. Be at least 23 years old at the time of application.
  2. Possess a minimum of two years of proven professional experience or volunteer work in a civil society organization in their home country.
  3. Demonstrate proficient written and spoken English skills.
  4. Be in good health for an extended stay abroad.

Desirable qualifications include:

  1. Long-term social engagement.
  2. Full-time experience in their field of work.
  3. Ongoing or planned collaboration with an organization in the target country.
  4. Proficiency in additional languages, especially German.

Fellowships primarily target individuals working in the following fields:

  • Policy and Society
  • Media and Culture
  • Human Rights and Peace
  • Sustainable Development

In 2023, the program will also emphasize:

Don’t miss the opportunity of a lifetime! Apply now to join the Fully Funded Volunteer Program in Germany by ifa. This incredible journey awaits, and it’s your chance to make a global impact while gaining valuable experience and connections. The deadline for applications is December 22, 2023. Seize this chance to unlock a world of opportunities!


The CCP Fellowships aim to empower civil society actors in their work by offering:

  • Collaboration with a guest organization from the CCP network, either on-site or online.
  • Mentoring throughout the fellowship duration.
  • Professional training, tailored to the fellow’s field of work, taking their personal and professional goals into account.
  • Networking opportunities with other CCP Fellowship holders.
  • Inclusion in the CCP alumni network.
  • Participation in professional events for those focusing on key CCP topics.

For International Participants:

  • A monthly stipend of 550 euros.
  • Coverage of costs for round-trip airfare.
  • Accommodation.
  • A monthly public transportation ticket within the fellow’s city of residence.
  • Health insurance.
  • Reimbursement of any visa fees incurred.

For German Participants:

  • A monthly stipend of 550 euros.
  • A monthly accommodation allowance of 550 euros.
  • Reimbursement of round-trip airfare.
  • Reimbursement of any visa fees incurred.
  • Health insurance.

To apply for the CCP Fellowships, follow these steps:

  1. Select the appropriate country call for applications on the application portal.
  2. Complete the application form and prepare your documents in advance.
  3. Submit the completed application online via the application portal.

Please note that incomplete applications, applications sent by email, and submissions after the deadline will not be considered.

Required documents include

  • Curriculum vitae in English with details about education, training, work experience, volunteering, and other skills.
  • Letter of recommendation from a supervisor in the applicant’s home organization/workplace in their country of origin, using the provided template.
  • A photo (optional).
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